My first troll #warmahordes

Posted: December 3, 2012 in Warmahorde


Here you see my first troll painted. I have no baseing material atm so im leaving that for later.


I must say that im really pleased with the result.

Warmachine/Hordes batrep Circle vs Minions

Here is my latest game after yet again another long break from the game, this time due to  domestic issues.

Hope you enjoy!

Last weeks game

Posted: September 26, 2012 in Uncategorized

This is sadly not going to be a Batrep due to the fact that i did not have time to take a single picture! i had 2 min left on my timer so no chance for that I’m afraid.

My opponent was Wedding, another Circle player (the only one there except for me and hi was in my group…)

I matched his eKaya T4 with my Moshar and thought i would stand a chance… not that much sorry…

I lost all my beasts and he had all alive even if they where greatly damaged. no points for that.

But i did manage to capture one Control point at least!
I lost at Caster kill after falling short on my own attempt to assassinate his Warlock. (about 1-2″) i had eKaya marked with pray and thought i had 4-5 Tharn bloodtrackers in range after using curse of shadows on the one thing in my way and before that i upkeept Mirage so i had +2″. But still it did not cut it due to his Shadow pack. (battlegroup is stealth) .

At the moment im 3rd out of 4 players in my group but that can change fast next week where I’m up against Menoth… Not Stormshaft’s Menoth. It’s going to be a challenge to go up against my most hated faction with a new player commanding them.

Well that’s it for today!


See ya!

On my way #warmahordes

Posted: September 18, 2012 in Warmahorde

Now im off for the first game in the warmachinr/hordes tournament.

Im head to head with another Circle of orboros player that im told is highest ranked Circle player in Sweden.

Im taking Moshar this game to use his feat to hopefully spread som chaos in is beasts.

Well, wish me luck!

Painting progress

Posted: September 17, 2012 in Warmahorde

Here is my latest painted figures. eKrueger and pEyriss. It is the start of mt eKrueger T4 list. I chose purple on eKrueger to show off is defiance to the rest of the order. He is a real bad boy. My other casters are all in green theme.






Below is my other painted models i did lately.




Starting my Khador

Posted: September 12, 2012 in Warmahorde


So im thinking about finally paint up my Khador and so i started Prime them now


So i have about 204p to do and here is the first bunch Wish me luck

One week to go #Warmahordes

Posted: September 3, 2012 in Uncategorized

Now it is just one week to go until my first tournament in Warmachine and Hordes.

A 16 player SR 2012 event, 50p x3 lists at Unispel, Lund here in Sweden.
Me, Stormshaft and Nogin are all joining in on this to test our metal in the heat of battle.
Last week we did a rundown on a few lists (I got to try all three of mine and i had to change my eKreuger list for eKaya due to painting restrictions in tournament rules, meaning painted only) and my match ups that day was

Game 1: Cryx: pDeneghra vs Circle: Kromac = Loss! due to some idiotic mistakes even if he started out doing a ‘Should have been’ fatal mistake of Charging with his Blood witches but forgot to attack and activated next unit and moved them instead. That was funny for me to watch. But it turned out that i forgot to field my Swamp gobbers and with that he could shoot Kromac and killing him. Bad mistake from my side there.

Game 2: Menoth: Thyra vs Circle: Moshar = Loss! This time it just was a bad play from my side and it was the first time he ever played with Thyra so i knew nothing bout the way she played at all, and that cost my my first loss with Moshar ever.

Game 3: Cryx: Scaverous vs Circle: eKaya = Win! It was a win but due to bad rolls it was not as secure victory as it should have been due to the way he deployed. Everything in the middle except his caster and two jacks, that he put on the far right hand side perfectly placed to be butchered by eKaya’s Feat shenanigans.It took my stalker going all in with fury and Wild agression buff to take 10 boxes off of Scave and another full attack from a Gnarlhorn to win me the game…. that was some damn crappy rolls…

All in all i think i did ok except in the Moshar game where i got paralyzed and handed him the victory. In Kromac’s game i saw many opportunities to win the game if i had one more round to go. Damn you Swamp gobblers!

Well i will se if i get some pics done for the Tournament that i can comment and so on.

Untill then,
have a good one!


I have a thing for blog breaks

Posted: July 27, 2012 in Warmahorde

Well now i have been away again for some time and now i feel i will atleast give an update on things.

Why no posts?

Well there is a simple reason for that.
Haven’t had the time to do batreps or paint as much the last few months. We have played now and then but we have been practicing and helping one another to improve our game for upcoming events this fall.
So no cutthroat matches have been documented.

Still play Circle?

Yes, and love them so!
Got about 200+p worth of Circle now.
But i have been collecting Khador as well and that is also on about 200+p.
I got a major surprise for my birthday last June, 25p fully painted eMagnus Merc list! That was awesome and they look so good!
I will make some posts with pics later on so you can see for yourself.

What have occupied your time lately?

Besides wargames I am a musician and have been for as long as i have been a wargamer. Lately there is alot of projects going in with music that i have set aside most free time for that.
If you are interested in how my old things sound like, here is a link to my songs on Spotify Johan Ridell. (In Swedish)

(don’t have Spotify? you can find me on iTunes and Amazon as well)

Thats it for now.
Thank you for your emails and just send me one  if you want to ask something or post a comment.

Have a great day!

Monday game

Posted: April 9, 2012 in Warmahorde

I will make small reports about the games we had with the guys from later first i will post this days match.

Khador vs Cryx

And Yes, I now have a Khador army as well!

More on that later aswell

25p game, Khador pVlad vs Cryx pAsphyxious Caster kill.

5 Shocktroppers
Great bears

4 Deathrippers
Pistol Wraith
6 Mech Thralls
Necro surgeon + thralls

turn 1
I started off my turn forgetting to allocate focus to my jacks so they all just walked up and so did the rest just to keep formation
Cryx move up as well. he had spread his forces out along the board  so i took the chance to pile everything up on one side so i had to run with his thralls to get into action.

turn 2
More of the same for Khador and again forgott to allocate.
Cryx came into range with bonejacks and arced  breath of corruption but did no damage but forced me to re think my moves in the next turn. PistolWraith ran both turns to try to flank me.

turn 3
I charged in with my Shocktroopers onto his 2 from bonejacks taking one down to half strength and just afew boxes on the other. My great bears had to take a detour due to the cloud. my destroyer shot in and took out three thralls but missed his surgeon.
Cryx attacked with his engaged BJacks taking down one of my five and hurting one more. second line Bjacks arced another cloud on my Great bears dealing minor damage. Thralls had made it to the fight after running again. Pistolwraith shot and hit all hiss atacks dealing two damage but made me lose one action.

Turn 4
My bears charged the Mech thralls killing two. My destroyer retaliated the exposed Pistolwraith but couldn’t move. My shock troopers managed to kill on Bjack but failed to hit the other one leaving them open to another counter attack. Vlad cast a spell and took out the Machine wraith.
And now Cryx charged with the last Bjacks onto my shocktroopers an i finished the off all but one. The Mech thralls killed two bears and got 3 new back thanks to surgeon.

Turn 5
My Destroyer moved up and fired but missed and scatterd on the surgeon killing two but rolled 5  the surgeon him self even with boosted damage and he had 12ARM and that is what i got. Damn tough doc!
My last bear took out one more thrall thinking he will die soon so better to just stand the keeping them from moving up. And now the last shocktrooper took down the third Bjack  leaving only one to kill.
Cryx wanted some blood and saw the last bear as a great target for that but even with 6 attacks he only scored one point. Rolling only fives to hit when needing eights. his slayer charged my destroyer but failed to take him not leaving two systems running. last Bjack ate the valiant Shocktrooper.

turn 6
My Jugg finally got to do someting and that he did. Walked up to the slayer, couldn’t charge due to los. Killing the Slayer outright. After that my Destroyer was free to move up and kill the Surgeon at last! Last bear took out another two thralls leaving one left with no chance for reinforcements.
Cryx charged my Jugg with last Bjack, to keep him in engaged doing two damage on his not before touched Armour. Thrall missed again both attacks. now he made a fatal error… not moving his caster further away.

Turn 7
Now i popped my feat got SPDx2 and i moved my jugg, up to the open caster accepting the freestrike from the bJack. Here i started to bash his ATM ARM 20 Caster taking him down to four boxes and missing the last bought attack. Bear killed the last thrall, destroyer fired on the BJack but failed to damage him.
Cryx again made an error, Not telporting  him away but insted tried to kill the Jack with the sustained attack ability. problem was that he only manage to break through twice and dealing no crippling damage.

Turn 8
I pumped my Jugg full with focus and ignored the rest of the army and Missed my initial attacks having to buy one more and boosting the hit. Bearly hitting the last attack but rolled double sixes and killing him off!

winner: Khador!


Again i am SO sorry that i suck so bad at taking pictures… was so excited to try my new models that i forgot it again…. and same with the other games from Thursday.

Hope you still enjoyed the batrep, see you next time!



Posted: April 4, 2012 in Uncategorized

Tomorrow we are going to have a midweek gamesday with stormshaft,  nogin and a special guest star kaffemarkus from
We all excpect to get our asses handed to us. But what better way to see how far we have come then to face off against an experianced player like this?
I will be fielding 50p:

2x shiftingstones
Min. Wolfriders
Lord of feast
Swamp gobbers

This is not a great list but i want to see all my warpwolfs in action

Will give an update friday